HOLOFIL has launched 3D holographic mobile game Bounce ball 3d Android / iOS that allows you to interact with the game on your Android and iOS smarphones. It has 56 levels of rising complexity and the aim is to not let the ball hit the ground.
You can play the same game in Holographic mode and by connecting with Bluetooth controller as interface for a next level engagement. See the video of the Holofil bounce ball 3D game below. Install it from playstore using the link here Find the links to iOS below.
Here you can see the game being played with a Bluetooth controller by placing your mobile in the Holofil-cardboard device. Check more about Holofil-cardboard device, our patent pending consumer device, here.
Install the free version from Android playstore from here
Install the paid version Android playstore from here
Install the FREE version Apple appstore from here
Install the paid version Apple appstore from here