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Accenture innovation awards top 10 startups

Writer's picture: Mrunal GawadeMrunal Gawade

HOLOFIL entered into the Accenture Innovation Awards competition competing against 600 startups and 150 startups from the Living and working theme in May 2018. The invitation to participate was extended in the The Next Web conference 2018.

Accenture innovation awards have 8 themes like security, finance, healthcare, food, living and working etc. HOLOFIL was part of the living and working theme. The entire awards had different stages for elimination as decided by the jury.

HOLOFIL was invited to showcase its demo to the press in September. It reached top 25 startups in the first round of selections. Then it reached top 10 startups in the second round of selections. The entire experience was quite good where different workshops were held from time to time, and the exposure received was massive.

It was invited to show-case in the final Innovation Expo that happened on Nov 2nd in a big facility in Utrecht , Netherlands. There were some 200 innovations on the display there and some 2000 visitors visited to get a feel of the latest Dutch innovations.

We received great number of visitors and good visibility. The decisions makers were also available from some prominent brands that got curious about HOLOFIL. There was good amount of refreshments and the setup was energetic.

HOLOFIL is a device for creating visual stories to communicate your ideas to your visitors. Creating a brand takes time and HOLOFIL is progressing steadily upwards getting visibility, traction and correct partnerships. Accenture Innovation Awards top 10 is the recognition it deserves of the hard work of its team to create a beautiful product.

Can all innovations succeed always? Can all innovations receive massive coverage? Can all innovations result into big sales? These questions are really complicated and only the correct execution strategy and the sales that the product draws can decide its long term survival. Many innovations in the awards were improvements of old techniques, many were development of new technologies, many were not even market ready, some had already big customers and traction. Such award functions are a way to understand how your product fairs in the sea of competition of other innovative products in the market and how the value for that is judged.

Are innovations completely ground breaking always? Are deep tech innovations so new that nobody has done them before? How much is the intellectual property involved ? All these questions start popping up once claims of new innovations are made. HOLOFIL improves an old technique to an extremely great level and adds a lot of new angles in the business development process to create a 3D open ecosystem as a platform on which the device is developed and on which things can be further improved upon by building software product services.

It thus has a great potential to be successful with the correct channels to make it successful. Participation in such awards is one channel to get that visibility and credibility because exposure is one very critical problem that a startup faces.

Thank you Accenture innovation awards for giving this opportunity to expose HOLOFIL to a wide audience. We hope to get much more traction and further improvements after the recognition HOLOFIL received.

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